Kutsu Ibbyn jäsenille. Vapaaehtoisten IBBY CAMP Lampedusassa

Kutsu ibbyläisille. Vapaaehtoisten tapahtuma ”IBBY CAMP” järjestetään Lampedusassa syksyllä 2022. Olet tervetullut ehdottamaan ohjelmaa ja osallistumaan. Matka on omakustanteinen.
Tiedot tapahtumasta englanniksi:
IBBY CAMP / Call for volunteers!!
10th Anniversary Camp in LAMPEDUSA
22-29 October 2022 – join us!
Project “Silent Books: Final destination LAMPEDUSA”
All IBBY volunteers who would like to help and support us in inventing new ways of using and enjoying books, can take part in the continuing development of the IBBY library in Lampedusa.In occasion of the 10th anniversary of the project we would like to invite you to work, discuss and celebrate the power of books in creating space for peace.
The aims of the IBBY Camp are to:
- promote reading in the Lampedusa Library
- find new ways of working with books and displaced children
- teach a way of being ready to learn from a community
- learn everything there is to know about Silent Books
- meet other passionate IBBY/ book people
- understand more about migration in the Mediterranean.
- understand more about promoting peace